Anyways, with biking season almost back, I'm going to try posting again for a little bit at least. I took my first ride since early November on Friday. I didn't go that far, about 10 miles. There's still not very much light after I get home from work. I've got some things to work towards though, so I need to start getting out there. I'm planning to ride in a century ride towards the end of May up in NY with my sister. We might do the bike DC ride again, and we've talked about doing skyline drive, which runs along the top of the shenandoah range near here. To get in shape for these I'm planning to umpire a little less this year and hopefully bike to work more than once a week, or at least get in rides most days even if I'm not going to/from work. I've moved from GD's facility in Crystal City (a 15 mile ride) to the job site in SW DC (a 21 mile ride) so it's a bit further but will be a better workout, and if I focus on doing it I'm hoping I can do it more often.
I'll leave you with a few personal biking stats from last year -
- By my accounting, I biked over 1600 miles last year.
- Those 1600 miles came on 88 different rides, therefore averaging 18 miles/ride.
- I had rides in Virginia, DC, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Arizona, and Colorado.
- My longest total was the 62 mile ride to Nyack from Manhattan.
- My longest one way ride was 45 miles the length of the W+OD.
- My average pace to work at the start of the year was about 12mph. By the end of the year I was closer to 14. My to work pace (mostly downhill) went from 14 to 15. My to home pace (mostly uphill) jumped from 10 to 13.
Time to add California to the list!