The Four Mile Run (4MR) Trail is a 6 mile trail (insert distance joke here) that runs parallel to the W&OD while the W&OD goes along Four Mile Run (a stream). The trail starts just after the Custis trail splits from the W&OD around W&OD mile marker 4. It continues past the end of the W&OD another 2 miles until it hits the Mount Vernon Trail and the stream empties into the potomac.
While it runs parallel to the the straight, level W&OD rail trail, the FMR trail is neither straight nor level. It winds whimsically along with the river, with some pretty brutal hills up, down, through, and along some of the ravines. The trail is paved, although at a few points the pavement is pretty old and tree roots have turned it into an extremely bumpy ride. Parts of the trail through busier parks have a good bit of foot traffic, but there aren't a lot of people who ride the trail end to end, particularly since the W&OD is so close and convenient. It cuts in and out with the W&OD at a number of points, so you can take sections of both pretty easily.
Due to the hills, the trail has a unique feel compared to most of the other trails in the region, and it can be a good challenge for a short ride. It's also a welcome change of pace occasionally if I'm biking down that way.
Google Maps
In Pittsburgh we have Nine Mile Run Trail, which is certainly not 9 miles long. Perhaps more like 2. It also runs along the creek which is its namesake. I had never heard of a creek referred to as a "Run" before. This is new to me, but I am pleased that it seems to be a thing.