So instead, rides this week will turn into crazy baseball things that happened this week.
- In my game Tuesday, with runners on first and third (R1 and R3), the pitcher tried to fake-pick off the guy at third to then turn and throw to first (to catch the guy who was more likely stealing (you can't fake a throw to first from the mound, but once you've faked to third you can do whatever)). He had R3 if he threw the ball, but instead he kept with his original plan and threw to first, catching R1 off the base. There was a short first rundown between 1st and 2nd with the fielders watching to make sure R3 didn't try to score, but before they could get R1 out, R3 took off. They threw home, and got R3 in a second rundown between home and 3rd. This one lasted a little while (probably 3 back and forths) but they did ultimately get R3 out. By this time, R1 was past second, and for whatever inexplicable reason, was off the bag far enough that as soon as R3 was out, the fielders through the ball to second and caught R1 in a third rundown between 2nd and 3rd. This time the guy did not last long, and tried to run around the fielder on his first time back to 2nd, and was tagged out. So three rundowns between all three sets of bases that resulted in 2 outs.
- In my game Wednesday, a kid stealing second managed to get there just in time for a close play but was safe. He proceded to stand up off the bag to dust himself off without calling time, and was tagged out. A couple innings later the same kid managed to get picked off of third by the catcher after a pitch. Some people are just not good at running the bases.
- In my game last night, a batter fouled a ball off straight at one of the light poles. It hit a light square on, shattered the glass, which proceded to rain down on the fans below. Since it was all over the field too, we had to stop and try to shovel the pieces off the field. I don't think anyone except the baseball was hurt, but the ball was totally shredded and had to be put down.
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